So it was a treat to be able to include Leah in our small traditions. Since I moved out of the Bronx I don't have as many opportunities to do a lot with Gilberto anymore so I jumped at the chance to visit the museum.
Matt came along (though he didn't want to) but I am happy he did because it made it that much more special. It was a wonderful day. Sunny and warm, especially unusual for the last day in December.
And Leah was great. She is such a well behaved baby. She surprises me everyday with her awesome temperament.
After the museum we walked across Central Park over to Big Nick's. If you've never been there, you need to go. Great affordable food. Huge delicious burgers, best french toast in the city and all the pickles you can eat.
Then back onto the train to the Bronx. Visited with my mom for a little while and then headed back to Long Island to ring in the New Year in bed.
And now onto the New Year.