For the past week the East Coast was on lock down preparing for Hurricane Sandy. Over October 28-29th it hit the NYC Metro area. Thousands of people lost their homes, some lost their lives and many more were without power. Towns across the various states made calls on whether or not to go ahead with Trick or Treating. Out here on Long Island some rescheduled for another day. We usually trick or treat in Farmingdale and the town made the call to allow it to go forward as long as parents practiced caution.
It was nice to be able to go out and do something with the kids after being cooped up for days. We felt fortunate as it was as we had our home and power. Also grateful to those who were happy to see the kids and give out treats. Even those without power.
After months of debating Leah finally decided on a pirate costume.
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Kids couldn't wait to have their Halloween cupcakes |