Finally moved out of the old apartment. Into the new one, trying to settle in. I will have to get pics from the last month or so from Ruth because I just haven't taken many. Not that Leah has changed all that dramatically in less than a month.
What is new with the lil one. She started to get a lil bit of solids in her. Not much. A lil rice cereal now and again. I am going to hold off on anything else for now. If I could've done things as I wanted to, ideally, I would've just nursed her for the first year, but alas, that is not so.
Anyway, so she is sitting a little bit on her own. Has started babbling away. She can sit in her bouncy sit and talk a mile an hour, not skip a beat. When she wants your attention her talking gets a little higher pitched. She has a personality, thats for sure. She laughs and giggles a lot. All I have to do is look at her and her face cracks into a huge smile. Nothing like it.
She lost a bit more of her hair and the new hair is a little auburnish. She definitely has my family's coloring. I think she looks a lot like Matt.
What else, oh and her newest thing is blowing raspberries with her mouth. She can seriously sit there for an hour just doing that. Too cute.
I think she is growing well. Seems to be a pretty happy baby. She has her visits downstairs with the landlord and their kids. She is loved immediately by everyone who meets her. I hope she can put her great temperament to use when she is all grown up. But I am in no rush to see that happen.
I spend nearly all day with her and I wouldn't give that up, not for a million bucks.
Very cool having lil Miss Leah in our lives.
Here she is entertaining me and herself with her raspberries.
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