Here are a series of pictures we took.
Kain in his playpen (Oh wait that isn't politically correct, umm, I meant play Yard...)

Just a lil closer.

Gilberto being silly with my mom., Lani in the background with Leah.

Lani, Mom, Leah

Kain, the Birthday Boy!

Kain having a good ole time.

Silly hats make for good fun :P

Abuela con Leah

Getting a lil bit closer.

Time to sing Happy Birthday :D


Kain trying to get at some yummy cake. (Lani is standing by keeping watch, we ALL know it will end up on the floor otherwise :P )

Almost there...

He's got it...

Mmmm...that was yummy :D

It was really nice seeing my sis and mom, brother, well everyone. Kain is so beautiful. I can hardly believe he is walking with such ease. I wish I could see more of him.
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