I see his point now.
Leah loves to vacuum. She is pretty good at it too. At first she was just playing around but now she is serious about it. It is a great help to be able to knock a chore off the weekly list with her help.
I know she won't always be this enthusiastic about helping with the chores. She is/will learn that it is part of being a member in the family, that all members help around the house. That the mother is not a short order cook, maid, housekeeper etc.
I am happy to say that I learned a thing or two from my parents, much to my own protest. Chores were always part of our daily routine and I always complained about them. That didn't stop me from completing them and it certainly didn't stop my parents from expecting them to be done. We did not get allowance growing up because we completed our chores. Chores were part of responsibilities of being a family member.
Hopefully Leah understands the latter as a child better than I ever did.
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