Leah enjoyed opening her presents. She received a wide variety of gifts.
Her Webkin Schnauzer...Leah and Matt take care of her many Webkins together online. It is one of their father/daughter activities.
Leah started squealing when she saw what this present was. After visiting Santa at the mall Leah saw this Barbie carriage in the store and wanted to go back to tell him what else she wanted in addition to the science lab kit & double sided lightsaber. Matt told her he would go back and let Santa know of the additional item. When she saw what she was unwrapping she exclaimed "You really did go back and tell Santa!" It was very cute.
The long awaited lab kit. Do we have a scientist brewing?
The wrapping paper mess
Leah's face at being told it was now time to clean up the wrapping paper mess.
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