Woke up Leah at 6:33 am as I do every year to wish her a happy birthday. Starting at age 3 she always asks me to retell her birth story. Today she woke up briefly, asked me to tell her but was fast asleep before I could finish. We did all over again an hour later.
Sleepyhead birthday girl

Wake up! *flash* Guess she didn't care for the flash going off in her face

Crazy bedhead hair

Birthday outfit

Visiting with Louis and the kitten

Leah opened a few of her presents this morning before camp.

Happy to see the Purple Tiara from Hot Topic she's been eying for over a month.

My kid sure loves underthings.

Especially Hannah Montana themed

Another item Leah has been asking for-dinosaur fossil kit.

Next was her birthday breakfast. At first she wanted Raisin Challah French Toast but she changed her mind because she wanted slices of the Challah with cream cheese and apple butter for lunch. Instead she had scrambled herb eggs with sausage and toast.

Due to some concerns that Leah may have had a contagious virus (turns out she was fine) she was sent home early from camp. She spent the afternoon seeing the doctor and then hanging out with her grandparents. Afterward we came home to open up the rest of her presents and get ready for Adventureland.
Cute Hello Kitty Fedora

Team Jacob (Sorry Lindsay- it was her choice) lunch box and necklace

She's been bugging us for this bug kit for over 6 months now.

She also received a tub of Tinkertoys, a few board games (Twister, Perfection, Sorry), random odds & ends, Shrek Silly Bandz, two video games for her newly acquire Nintendo DS and lots of clothing.
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