Into our sixth year of Leah taking dance lessons and her second year on the competitive dance team. She continues to live for dancing. I see her technique developing, her attitude maturing. It is a beautiful sight.
The team's first dance competition for the Spring was held and all the dancers performed well. They work so hard for months, MANY hours spent every week in the studio. It feels a bit chaotic the week before and the day of getting it all ready. I tried to be well prepared but still ended up leaving the house without our makeup bag and accessories. Fortunately I had extras and the studio owner helped me out with the rest.
I'm especially proud of Leah (no surprise there). She had major anxiety that she fought through each time she danced. I think it was a culmination of nerves and knowing her first solo performance was coming up later in the day. With the loving support of her dance studio teachers and family she overcame her nerves and pushed through it all and went with the rest of the team to perform their powerful lyrical dance routine.
She had a 3 hour break before her solo performance. She ate, rested and ran the routine a few times. She was a whole new person. Off she went and nailed it. She went to win the overall high score award for her age group and was invited to be a part of the national performance team. Unfortunately photos are not allowed but they have professional photographers available. I ordered the photo of her being awarded and can't wait to frame it for her.
The petite dance team competes in 5 times. They dance hip hop, tap, lyrical, jazz and a huge production number that includes all the members of the studio's competition team. It makes for a lot of costume and hair changes but it is always a lot of fun. I managed to grab a picture of her outfits but missed the production one.
Tap Routine "Trashin' The Camp" |
Tap Routine "Trashin' The Camp" | | | | | | |
Hip Hop Routine "Graffiti" |
Hip Hop Routine "Graffiti" |
Jazz Routine "Sassy Ladies (Freakum Dress)" | | |
Jazz Routine "Sassy Ladies (Freakum Dress)" | | |
Lyrical Routine "Gone" |
Solo - Musical Theater - "Fashionista" |
Solo - Musical Theater - "Fashionista" |
Finally home after a very long day of dance |
The next competition is the first weekend in April. I look forward to it as it was my favorite from last year. It is different from the other competitions, a ballroom style set up. I think it will showcase the various dances well.
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