Breakfast of Champions - Red, White & Blue Sprinkle Donut

Proud American & Flag

Leah asked to take this picture for her Grandma Ruth (who is a BIG Yankee Fan).

Waiting patiently to go up on stage with the rest of her schoolmates.

Leah joined her American Sign Language teacher and other kindergartners up on stage after the parade and they signed God Bless America.

Afterward Matt & George went with Leah on a walk to see the local water tower. Then they spent a little time in the playground.
Matt & Leah on the swings-Matt has always been (and hopefully always will be) a kid at heart.

We headed home and changed for the beach. We met up with our friends.
Leah enjoying some cold watermelon.

Matt, Leah & Louis spending some time together.

Family photo

Leah was absolutely wonderful (as usual) with Louis today. While we were setting up our beach gear (blanket, chairs, umbrella etc) Leah sat nicely with Louis on the sand and held him until we were done.
When we sat Louis in the water for the first time she was there by his side. Great big sister.