Thursday, March 31, 2005

Playdate with Delilah

My having Leah is awesome but its even better when Kitti comes over with Delilah. I love watching the two of them together.

Here is Delilah just chilling.

Here is Leah trying desperately to get to the chair. :P

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The wheels on the bus go...

Went to the mall today, took the bus there. Here is a lil pic of Leah on the bus with me.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Simply Beautiful

Playing with Leah today, she was investigating her bouncy chair. Snapped a few shots of her.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Not quite walking on water...

or land for that matter but she sure is getting a hold on standing :D

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Tonight Leah pooped on her new Happy Bunny onesie, how appropiate considering its about her stinking!


Hanging out at home

Here is Leah taking her afternoon nap.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter Sunday

Today was supposed to start early in the morning but being that Leah woke up around 3am and didn't get back to sleep closer to 6 in the morning, we didn't end up going to church like I had hoped to. Bleh. I wanted to see the girls do their Easter performance but I know what Leah is like if she doesn't get her sleep, so I let her sleep.

We did go to brunch with Ruth, George and Lindsay. We went to Peppercorns. It was good and all you can eat. I ate a lot.

Here is Leah at her grandparents opening her Easter Basket. And there next to her is Lindsay.

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Saturday, March 26, 2005

To the maul...

like a true Long Island girl :P

Today I took Leah on a bus trip to Sunrise Mall. I had the sling Lindsay got me and off we went. Got some pizza, waited for the bus. She looked at all the passing cars with great interest. When we got on the bus she talked to people riding on it. The bus driver let her touch the steering wheel when we were getting off.

Then we went to JC Penney. I wanted to get her pictures taken but she just wasn't having it. She seems a little bit too antsy. I told the photographer I would bring her back later in the week.

We walked around the mall, or rather I walked around the mall. Sat at the water fountain and watched the Koi swim around. She really seemed to like watching the fish. Stopped to nurse her, which is sooo easy to do with the sling and more than that NO ONE knows what I am doing as I walk around store to store. She ate and fell asleep.

Next stop was Hot Topic where I got her the CUTEST onsies. All to match her mommy and daddy.

First up, is a cute lil bodysuit with Yoda on it and it says "Size Matters Not". Perfect to match Matt's Star Wars t-shirts, especially his Yoda one.
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Next is a Happy Bunny onesie to match my Happy Bunny shirt that Kitti got me :D And it has Happy Bunny on it with a dirty diaper and says "Love stinks Although it might just be me".
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Last but not least, the Family Guy onesie with Stewie on it. I love it. It is bright read and Stewie is too perfect. It says "I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint...It's in my diaper and it's not a toaster."
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After our mini shopping spree at Hot Topic we hit up Children's Place for a shirt to wear with her skirt for Easter and a pair of white stockings.

All in all not too bad a trip. Almost 3 hours in the mall and no problems what so ever and my back didn't hurt at all, even though I'd been carrying Leah around the whole time. We went out and waited for Matt at the bus shelter, where he so gallantly showed up WITHOUT Leah's carseat...then we waited some more till he came back with it.

And here is Leah after we got back from the mall and went over to Don Juans II in Westbury.

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Friday, March 25, 2005

Mami and me

Just taking a few pictures with Leah. Of the six or so I took with her this is the only one I like of myself.
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Just hanging out

Waiting for Matt to get home. Kitti, Guy and Delilah left a little while ago. I sit here with Leah at my side, just typing away.

Took some pics of her sitting on the chair beside me.

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Here she is investigating the lint brush that coincidentally matches her outfit.

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And here is Leah with me.

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Delilah @ 3 months

Today Delilah turns 3 months old. Time goes by much too fast. Here she is beautiful and perfect in green.

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Different Strokes for Different Folks

Some babies like the vacuum cleaner, I know some, like my youngest brother who would fall asleep when it went on. Not Leah. Leah despises it. She treats it like its a monster coming to get her. I think I can understand this though. If I saw my mom coming around me pushing some funny looking thing that makes loud noises I think I would be pretty upset too.

At least I got the vacuuming in the living room done. I will have to wait till later or tomorrow to get the rest of the apartment done.

Making some progress on finally making this palce look like a home, and not some bachelor pad.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Home Entertainment System

That is exactly what Leah is, screw all the expensive stereo speakers and television sets with their special receivers, I don't need any of that to stay entertained. I can never be bored with Leah around. Everything she does is inspiring to me. She finds happiness in the simplest of things. At times I think the world would be a much better place if we would all take the time to view the world through the eyes of a growing child. I think as we grow older we should remember to take the time to enjoy the small pleasures in life. The way a feather falls and feels on our face. The way we laugh when a loved one tickles our feet. The wonder of seeing a gift being opened. Just enjoying life one moment at a time.

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I am lucky to have Leah in my life. I am sure that through her eyes and her life I will learn much of what life has yet to teach me.


Today while I was giving Leah a bath I noticed just how much bigger she is, I can hardly believe my eyes.

Here is a picture I took of her in her robe. It was given to her by Ruth. She looks so cute in it.

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Saturday, March 19, 2005


Yes it is almost 4 in the morning and I am up updating Leah's blog. I had to find some time in the month to do so. Matt will be up in a lil bit to go take his parents to the airport. They are going on vacation for the next week or so. I think Leah will notice that they aren't around. Maybe I am wrong but I think she will.

I was writing up the songs I have been singing to Leah since she was in my womb. Spanish church songs I learned a long time ago. They always work when I want her to calm down or go to sleep.

Dios está aquí,
tan cierto como el aire que respiro,
tan cierto como la mañana se levanta.
tan cierto como que este canto lo puedes oír.

Santo, santo, santo.
Mi corazon te adora!
Mi corazon te sabe decir:
Santo eres, Dios!

Heh I also sing the songs from Les Miserables to her. Those work as well...well for me, not sure if they would for anyone else.

I sing the traditional lullabyes to her as well but these songs seem to have just the right touch. Probably cause I sang them every night to her while she was in my tummy.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


There is no other word for Leah at times. I find myself speechless sometimes. There are times during the day, sometimes every other day, these moments that stand out apart from all others...moments where I just look at her and literally feel my heart stop. I sit there just completely in awe of Leah. In these moments it seems like its just the two of us, nothing can touch us. I love her so much. In these moments I just can't fathom loving anyone, anything as much as I love her. And I think to myself "I am so very blessed, so lucky to have met this wonderful person here."

Leah is really something else. She never seems to have a care in the world. Rarely seems unhappy, cranky or anything negative. If I am feeling down somehow she knows and manages to get me to cheer up.

She is truly amazing.

And absolutely beautiful.

Time stands still when I am with her. Only other person I every feel that way with is her father.

Leah really is the best of the two of us.

Here are some pictures I took of her today while we hung out and her daddy ran some errands. I love my days off, I love when I can spend all day and night with her. Nothing better in the world.

Don't ask, I was curious at the comparison between my foot and her head...

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This picture here takes my breath away. I don't know why, just does.

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Leah seems to enjoy taking pictures. The camera pops out and she poses right away.

Monday, March 14, 2005

The Little Ham

Seriously Leah is too damn funny. I have her laying on her playmat while I am trying desperately to get some chores done. I turn around she makes a little whiney sound followed by a series of fake coughs. I turn to look at her, she stops and smiles. I turn back around, she whines and coughs, turn back to look at her and she is all smiles.

She has learned how to play me so well.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Here's a change of pace, Leah feeding Daddy Posted by Hello

Posing with an Iced Venti Raspberry Passion Tea :D Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Bundled Up

Goodness Leah is just too cute. I love her sooo much. Just got back from her grandparents' house. Been debating on nicknames for Matt's parents. Grandma and Grandpa for now but I will find something more personal.

As for my parents its difficult for me to call them anything other than Ivy and Gil. *shrug* Abuelita is my grandmother to me still. I could just let Leah call them whatever the heck she wants and that will be their nicknames.

Here is Leah in her carseat. She is such an awesome baby. We are so blessed to have her, and doesn't hurt she doesn't cry much or complain.

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Sunday, March 06, 2005

Party Time with Kain :D

We went to the Bronx today to celebrate Kain's 1st Birthday :D

Here are a series of pictures we took.

Kain in his playpen (Oh wait that isn't politically correct, umm, I meant play Yard...) Posted by Hello

Just a lil closer. Posted by Hello

Gilberto being silly with my mom., Lani in the background with Leah. Posted by Hello

Lani, Mom, Leah Posted by Hello

Kain, the Birthday Boy! Posted by Hello

Kain having a good ole time. Posted by Hello

Silly hats make for good fun :P Posted by Hello

Abuela con Leah Posted by Hello

Getting a lil bit closer. Posted by Hello

Time to sing Happy Birthday :D Posted by Hello

YAY! Posted by Hello

Kain trying to get at some yummy cake. (Lani is standing by keeping watch, we ALL know it will end up on the floor otherwise :P ) Posted by Hello

Almost there... Posted by Hello

He's got it... Posted by Hello

Mmmm...that was yummy :D Posted by Hello

It was really nice seeing my sis and mom, brother, well everyone. Kain is so beautiful. I can hardly believe he is walking with such ease. I wish I could see more of him.