Saturday, March 27, 2010

Burton & More

We had a full day today. We went to NYC to visit the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). We met up with Lindsay at the museum. It was very busy but we still had a good time.

Leah dressed up especially for the Tim Burton Exhibit. Her inspiration was his latest movie 'Alice in Wonderland'.

After the museum we walked to Alice's Tea Cup-Chapter II but as expected there was a very long wait (2 hours) so we opted to grab some pizza at Patsy's.

Louis woke up and was ready to eat as well.

Leah ordered herself a Shirley Temple with extra cherries.

We took the opportunity to take some photos of Lindsay with the kids.

The Patsy's we ate at was next to Dylan's Candy Bar. Lindsay treated Leah to a bag of assorted candies that they went and picked out together.

We walked towards MoMA, not far from where Matt was parked and parted ways with Lindsay. On the walk back to the car we stopped so Leah could take a picture with Robert Indiana's pop art icon sculpture 'Love'.

...and a bicycle rack...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

American Girl

Leah recently went on a trip to NYC with her grandmother Ruth. They had brunch at the American Girl Restaurant and went to see Lion King on Broadway. A good time was had by all. More than a week later and Leah is still talking about the trip. She is a lucky girl. She got one of the Bitty Twins as a gift and a week later she got the boy twin so now she has a set.

She has been taking good care of them.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Off to the farm

We spent the afternoon at White Post Farms today. Leah fed the animals, decorated an ostrich egg, spent time in the playground, and took a picture with the Easter Bunny. We woke up the baby for the pictures. He was grumpy but not crying for them.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Kick-Off

We celebrated Spring today by heading over to Tobay Beach and playing at the playground there. We packed up some sandwiches for lunch and met up with our neighbors/friends. It was a beautiful day.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Snotty mornings w/Leah

Some mornings go off without a hitch. We wake up, Leah gets ready for school without any issues. Clothes are put on, teeth are brushed, hair is done, breakfast is eaten and off she goes. Then other mornings are pure hell.

This particular morning was going well until Leah decided she needed to have yellow elastics for her pigtails not pink, not purple, not black...YELLOW. Unfortunately I had no clue where her yellow ones were.

We have always had two morning rules.

1) We do not fight about clothes.
2) We do not fight about breakfast.

We have added a third:

3) We do not fight about hair.

I finally located two yellow ones in my collection of hair bands.

This her post crying session, still needed to get her nose cleaned up but she wanted some pictures snapped of her outfit. She absolutely loves this outfit. She bought it all by herself at H&M.

Some pics of Leah waiting for her bus & walking towards it. Every time I watch her go to her bus I am shocked at how sad & proud I feel, all at the same time. I love that she is growing up and independent but still I just want it all to slow down a bit. Goes by much too quickly.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Silly Leah

Wearing her lil brother's clothing.

Here is the baby with his stuff on.

Spring Tease

Spring teased us a bit today. When Leah got home from school we went over to the park. She said she wanted to show me a surprise.

She can get herself swinging all by herself. She also goes pretty high now.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Purest of Loves

The love between siblings is pure. Unconditional. I learned this growing up with 3 younger siblings. We drove one another insane (and sometimes still do) but we were the best of friends (sometimes our worst enemies). But I wouldn't have had any other way.

Leah and Louis are already developing a beautiful bond. I look forward to seeing it grow over the years.

Leah is wonderful with the baby. She finds new ways to entertain him and she is already trying to teach him the names for things, colors and songs. She loves being a big sister. There are times that she gets a lil annoyed with the baby stuff but then she immediately feels bad for it and apologizes.

We are blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. She is a great help.