Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Birthday Party Pictures

Hey everyone! If you have any pics of Leah's birthday party could you send them my way? I only took like 4 pictures or something that day so I definitely need them :D


Friday, August 04, 2006

Guess Who's 2?

Happy Birthday Leah!

We went to the Bronx Zoo with Matt's parents to celebrate Leah's birthday. I took tons of pictures but haven't gotten a chance to upload them. Will do it after the weekend.

We had a great time!

My Lil Rocker

Leah has some awesome clothes. One of the latest additions to her ever increasing wardrobe was a cute rocker/punkeque outfit I got super-duper cheap at Denny's Childrenswear. Ever been in that store? You are lucky if you find a pair of leggings for less than 20 bucks. It is boutique children's clothes. A lot of it is tacky and ugly but they have one clothing line called Sister Sam that I have a love affair with. But they are crazy expensive. So I got to thinking, made some connections with people at my job and around town and guess what? Now I get some of their stuff super cheap :D

Here is Leah being a snob.

And here she is rocking out with Elmo.