Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Leah's newest thing is "huh?" Tell her to do something, ask her a question she doesn't feel like answering, make a statement, comment, anything and you seem to get a "huh?" and its not a normal "huh" either it goes up in tone...too funny.

But it is irking my nerves and irking Matt as well.

Most kids her age, well they are saying why? Leah? Is saying why not? Whats that? What are you doing? Huh?

She is answering "Because I want to!" "I want that now!"

Too silly.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Off to the circus

Matt got me tickets to the Big Apple Circus for Christmas. Off we went today. Spent the afternoon walking around, went to eat lunch at Big Nicks. Matt and I had burgers and Leah had a slice of pizza. Then we hung out at Lincoln Center. We were trying desperately to get Leah to take a nap but she resisted. Our concern was that she was once again going to fall asleep during yet ANOTHER outing. Definitely her trademark.

Leah licking Matt's face. And then wiping it off.

We waited outside the entrance to the circus, then went in and had a great time. At first Leah was scared of the clown but after about 10 minutes it was smooth sailing. There many children there her age and once she saw them participating, she was into the whole show. She especially enjoyed the guy on the bicycle and anything with people in the air.

I braided Leah's hair on our way home to keep her occupied.

Afterwards we walked around a bit, Leah did end up falling asleep, Matt and me had some hot dogs and papaya drinks at Grey's Papaya and then it was back onto the subway and the LIRR home.

Friday, January 05, 2007

La artista

Leah likes tents. Leah likes her easel. Leah likes Labryinth.