Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Matt took us to Benihana's for our 4 year anniversary dinner. It was a surprise. It was a nice one.

We sat with really nice people.

We got one of the trainee chefs who you could tell was nervous. And the woman to the right of me was complaining a lot. But I think the guy did a great job. She was partly complaining he wasn't Japanese. But little does she know they have all kinds of chefs on staff there. Even the head guy isn't Japanese. Even though she thought he was. *rolls eyes*

The food was great. And lil Miss Leah was well behaved and ate EVERYTHING.

She ate shrimp, zucchini, onions (her favorite), soup, salad with the dressing on it, chicken, steak, mushrooms. She couldn't get enough. She loved the rice. She ate like everyone else, even with chopsticks! She managed to get them together the right way and picked up some onions with them. So proud of her!

Her manners are better at the age of nearly 2 than some adults I know. She is also polite, sociable and a budding conversationalist. She spoke to the woman and her daughter to our right. She asked the daughter for her name and the girl said Samantha and right after Leah said "Hi Samantha" clear as day!

Right before they sang the woman Happy Birthday they asked her name, she said Trish and Leah sang along with them and she said "Bye Trish" as we were leaving.

When the cook was doing the volcano with the onion trick Leah sat there and said all bright eyed "Wow! That's cool!".


I am quite proud of her. Her disposition when we are out is unbelievable. Even with the terrible twos approaching, she is still pretty manageable. :D

Monday, May 15, 2006

More pic slides to test

New Stuff

I am working on some updates to Leah's website. Going over dead links/pictures and so on.

A new photo viewing program I am working on putting on here. Sort of like this one.