Wednesday, April 30, 2008

PJs/Bedtime Fun

Ruth bought Leah a really nice nightgown and Leah loves it. Leah does not like wearing any clothing to bed. At all. She loves putting on pajamas, she will go to sleep with them on but at some point during the night she takes them off. Never fails. The nightgowns work perfectly for her because its not too much material and if she does want to take them off, they come off rather easily. Lately she has been asking for more nightgowns because she doesn't get too hot in them with her bed covers I bought her some.

This is her hanging out in one she picked out because she likes clouds.

Leah making a face because I told her it was way past her bedtime and she needed to go to sleep.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Matzah Ball Soup

Matt and Leah made matzah balls together for Matzah Ball Soup. Ruth always tells us about how when she first made matzah balls with Lindsay and Matt, how the kids got a kick out of seeing the tiny balls grow big so quickly in the broth. Matt doesn't really cook much but when he does it is always good and it is almost always something he had as a kid. It is a real treat to see him do it with Leah's help.

Matt's soup ended up looking like this-minus the carrots. Tasted really good. Nice comfort food.

Anyone who cooks with Leah knows how much she truly enjoys helping. She is especially good at making anything into balls. She gets all serious and focuses on the task.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Fridays are great with Leah. Now that its warm out I pick her up early and we hang out. Sometimes we go to the malls, sometimes we walk down and get ices at the Ralph Ices that just opened right by her school. A couple of times we've picked up picnic stuff up at John's Farms and walked down to the park, eaten, played and then walked down to the library. Sometimes we get a ride home and just veg out at home. No matter what it is mostly our time and it is wonderful.

Today we went to Ralph's and Leah picked out a chocolate milk ice and we took the bus to Walt Whitman for some shopping & to get lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Leah loves to listen to my Ipod so its pretty easy to keep her entertained while we shop, take the bus or sit in a restaurant waiting for food.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

4 Year Old Milestones

Leah will be 4 in August. Today she is 3 years, 8 months, 3 weeks & 6 days old. Crazy how time has flown by. Less than 4 months until she turns 4. Today at school the teachers were discussing some of Leah's latest things. She has taken to telling stories, elaborate, drawn out stories. She has also created her own version of gibberish. She is getting very good at pretend play and can do so for hours on end. She is a delight. An imaginative delight. She has developed an imaginary play friend or two which show up every once in a while at home. Mostly when I am busy with chores and she is out on the porch playing. One thing Leah has never done much of is having a security object, lately though she has become quite fond and attached to a few of her toys.

Seems to be right on target with all the milestones 4 year olds should be meeting.

Milestones: 4-Year-Olds

Motor Development: Gross Motor Skills

* running is more controlled; can start, stop, and turn
* turns somersaults; hops on one foot; gallops
* can easily catch, throw, and bounce a ball
* can brush teeth, comb hair, wash, and dress with little assistance

Motor Development: Fine Motor Skills

* copies crosses and squares
* prints some letters
* uses table utensils skillfully
* cuts on a line

Language and Thinking Development

* uses a 1,500-word vocabulary; speaks in relatively complex sentences ("Mommy opened the door and the dog ran out.")
* understands words that relate one idea to another — if, why, when
* continues to learn through experience and the senses
* understands, mostly, the difference between fantasy and reality
* understands number and space concepts — more, less, bigger, in, under, behind
* thinks literally; starting to develop logical thinking
* begins to grasp that pictures and symbols can represent real objects
* starts to recognize patterns among objects — round things, soft things, animals
* grasps the concepts of past, present, and future but does not understand the duration of time

Social and Emotional Development

* takes turns, shares, and cooperates
* expresses anger verbally rather than physically
* can feel jealousy
* may sometimes lie to protect herself, but understands the concept of lying
* enjoys pretending and has a vivid imagination

* Speech is almost always understandable.
* Can usually count from 1 to 10.
* Can walk on tiptoes, climb a ladder and ride a tricycle.
* May name and match three or four primary colors.
* Knows his or her own name.
* Correctly uses the pronoun "I."
* Children this age recognize gender differences and will correctly say "I am a girl" or "I am a boy."
* Can dress and undress with supervision but still has trouble with laces and buttons. Children this age also begin to be selective about what they wear.
* Holds and uses a pencil with good control. Can copy a cross, circle and possibly a square.
* Can to draw a person with a face, arms and legs.
* Engages in conversational "give-and-take."
* Can sing a song.
* Talks about his or her day's activities and experiences.
* Can identify emotions such as sadness, anger, anxiety and fear.
* Enjoys the companionship of other children; plays cooperatively and shows interest in other children's bodies.

Before I know it she will be off to kindergarten.

We are currently working on Leah memorizing our home phone number, after that we will probably have her memorize her grandparents' home number. She has an excellent memory.

All in all she is a happy, healthy, well-adjusted girl. Can't ask for more than that.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Fairy Princess

It amazes me how easily Leah finds so much to entertain herself with. While I started on cleaning out the garage, Leah spent the afternoon on the porch making up stories and games with random things like hangers, Christmas decorations, plastic Easter eggs, baskets and random other things. She pulled out part of her fairy costume and threw it on.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring is here!

We've been suffering major cabin fever around the house as of late. Leah spent some of the afternoon out in the park.