Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Big Helper

Leah rocks as a big sister. She is attentive to Louis's needs and anticipates them very well. She is a lil mom. Today she asked if it would be okay for her to feed Louis his breakfast. She was so happy and excited when I said yes. She helped me prepare his cereal, equal amounts cereal & breastmilk. She got it to the right consistency.

Off she went. She made sure to keep the bowl away from Louis's reach. As she fed him she used the spoon to scoop up what was pushed out of his mouth or fell off the spoon. She also did a great job of keeping the spoon out of Louis's grip. She did better than most adults! So proud of my little girl.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Mornings

My Sunday mornings used to be spent getting up early and enjoying a café con leche and some pan con matequilla. I like to watch CBS Sunday Morning. My father was usually off on Sundays (unless he was working overtime) and I remember getting up to watch the show with him. I think I liked that they always had all these different suns in varying media displayed throughout the show.

This has always been my quiet time.

Now that Louis wakes up around 6 and Leah is usually up by 7:30 my mornings have changed. I make them breakfast and we spend the morning playing and talking. Sometimes I get a cup of coffee in, usually cold by the time I get to it. I still watch the show but now I do so with Leah. It is actually pretty great. She learns a lot and afterward we look up answers to questions she may have.

It can be frustrating at times, the little time I have to myself but after mornings like today I realize I am trading up.

I snapped some quick pictures of the two of them together. After our breakfast, tv viewing and research on mosquitoes I went to the kitchen to do some much needed cleaning and Leah babysat for the next hour or so. She is amazing with Louis. A great big sister. A great helper for me.

Monday, July 12, 2010

First Acting Gig

Leah had her first acting gig today. She had a small part in a scene for a short indie film. A friend, Sophia, who I grew up with, was nice enough to use Leah in the film. It was an honor to support Sophia in her film producing and a wonderful experience for Leah.

We woke up very early and headed to the Bronx for the shoot. She did very well. She is definitely a natural when it comes to these types of things.

Now that I know that she has the maturity and attention span to wait the hours it takes to shoot these types of things and the ability to deal with all the different people involved I am more willing to take her to casting calls and auditions.

This is small pic from camera phone of her practicing her scene. I will post when the movie comes out.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Hot Day

The weather the past few days has been in the 90s and humid. We were suffering from a bit of cabin fever so we headed out to the Queens Zoo for a short while. The zoo is pretty small and it is shaded. We put our membership to use.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

4th of July Part 3

And to finish off our 4th of July celebrations my sister Leilani gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy. He came in at 8lbs 4 ounces. Mom and baby are both doing well. :)

4th of July Part 2

We spent the evening as we have the past 3 our neighbors' parents' house. They have a huge 4th of July party with great good food, company & of course what the men love most- fireworks.

I spent most of the evening indoors with Louis while Leah spent the time bonding with Matt.

She has a great time playing with one of the lil dogs, cute but fiesty Boston Terrier named Zoe.

This was the first year Leah freely handled Sparklers without crying about it.

4th of July Part 1

We headed out this afternoon to Tobay. We met up with Ruth, George & Lindsay. Louis and Leah did their thing in the sand & water. Grabbed some lunch from the Seafood Shack. Then finished off with a stop at the water park. So happy we got the pass for the beach. Well worth it.