Monday, October 31, 2011

A Devilish Halloween

We had a great time trick or treating today. Went to the old neighborhood and did what we've done every year. It was so nice to catch with Laurie and Julia. I'm sorry we missed Toni. Halloween continues to be one our best family traditions. I love that the children enjoy it as much as I do.

Leah put together a beautiful devil ensemble. She carried it well.

Trick or Treating in the same neighborhood that her dad grew up in. There is one house that has a huge collection of handmade wood cutouts. All sides of the large lawn are decorated and set up for photo opportunities.

We collected an obscene amount of candy. Leah donated some to a local charity collecting candy to send to soldiers overseas. And we still have a lot left over.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Playing Catch Up

I've been attempting to catch up on the blog updates and our photo books. Finally got around to completely our photo book of our camping trip last year.

Click here to view this photo book larger

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Sleepover with Abuela

This weekend Leah spent the night with my mom, Abuela, in the Bronx. They had a great time together. Went out to dinner, stayed up late watching a movie, spent the next day getting haircuts & having their hair done, went shopping. All the things any girl would love to do, especially Leah.

My mom took her to the salon & after her haircut Leah got her first professional blow out. What a big girl!

She also bought some new clothes. Very cute pair of boats and sweater Leah is in love with.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

New England Road Trip - Day Three - Salem, MA

After breakfast we packed up for our day trip out to Salem. It was an overcast, rainy day which seemed fitting for the locale. Salem is busy with Halloween activities, one of its busiest times of the year. I was looking forward to it, as was Leah.

Our first stop (after locating some parking outside of the village) was The House of Seven Gables. You may think that this is not the kind of thing kids would want to take part in, touring an old home and property but it turned out that Leah really enjoyed it.

The tour of this house on the property is not for the faint of heart. There is a point where you have to walk up a very slim, tightly built staircase. Just a wee bit claustrophobic. A few of the people on the tour with us didn't know what to make of us with the three kids but I think we managed surprisingly well with a one year old, newborn and 7 year old.

After the tour we headed towards Salem Village. We stopped at the stores along the way. We stopped at one point so Leah could switch her earrings. Matt bought her a pair of spider earrings at the gift shop at the House of the Seven Gables.

Based on the faces each of them is making you would think there was some torture involved.

We stopped to view the ship Friendship at the Salem Maritime National Historic Site.

We visited the Salem Witch Museum.
The Salem Witch Museum brings you there, back to Salem 1692. Visitors are given a dramatic history lesson using stage sets with life-size figures, lighting and a narration - an overview of the Witch Trials of 1692.

This was a bit more difficult with Gabriel and Louis. Gabriel was fussy and wasn't crazy about sitting through the presentation. Louis was antsy and just wanted to run around. Rather than inconvenience everyone I hung out outside with the boys for most of the tour. I've seen it a dozen times so it was fine by me. Leah enjoyed the show.

Afterward we walked around Salem, had some lunch, visited the shops, and stopped at various activities around town. We stopped at one of the local cemeteries as well.

The plan was to stay in Salem until nightfall and visit some more of the attractions but the boys were tired so we headed back to the hotel. Overall it was a nice way to spend the day.