"What's Leah doing now?"
This question gets asked of me more often than any other.
I tried to compile another list of milestones and other developments. (Anything in italics are milestones reguarly reached after 1 year of age.)
-Play patty cake
-Play peek a boo
-Says "dada" and "mama" to the right parent, is very specific
-Drinks from a cup. As of last week Leah no longer uses a bottle, only took two weeks to wean her off formula and a bottle. So proud of the little girl. (Go Leah!)
-Stands alone for long periods of time
-Put objects into a container
-Understands and responds to simple instructions (and not to mention likes to give them too)
-Stoops from standing position
-Imitates others' activities (She has that down pat, she is a lil ham and a mimic)
-Jabbers wordlike sounds
-Indicates wants with gestures (All you have to do is be around her when she is hungry. She knows where the kitchen is in EVERY house.)
-Cruises from place to place
-Takes a few steps
-Says a few words besides "mama" and "dada".
-Scribbles with crayon
-Uses two words skillfully (e.g. "hi" and "bye")
-Bends over and picks up an object
-Enjoys gazing at her reflection (If Leah is pissy put her in front of her reflection, it will usually do the trick for a lil while)
-Finger feeds like a pro
-Combines words and gestures to make needs known. (Says milk and gets her sippy cup or motions to the fridge, she also goes to the pantry and takes out her jars and basically forces them at me.)
-Tries to lift heavy things
-Rolls a ball back and forth
-Empties containers of contents
-Initiates games
-Points to one body part when asked (She can point to her eyes, nose and mouth. More her nose and mouth.)
-Pushes and pulls toys while walking
-Plays with ball
-Turns the pages of a book
-Has temper tantrums when frustrated
-Discovers joy of climbing
-Stacks three blocks
-Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g. the telephone)
-Responds to directions (e.g. "Sit down")
-Dances to music (Family Guy theme song always gets her going)
-Will "read" board books on his own
-Sings out loud
-Can climb up and down the stairs
Her walking skills are basically the only thing she hasn't quite mastered. Everything else she is either on target and surpassed it :D
If you ask Leah how big is she, she puts her arms out for "So big".
If you ask Leah how old she is, she takes out her pointer finger for 1.
If you pay attention she tends to point out lights everywhere she is and says "light."
She will play peekaboo on her own or with you.
She plays with her toes singing the "this lil piggy" game.
She sings herself to sleep.
She is trying to whistle desperately. Something that she isn't even supposed to think about doing till she is a toddler.
She rolls her tongue like you do with r's in spanish.
She understands and completely comprehends me in both spanish and english. I tend to get more of her attention if I speak to her in spanish, especially if I don't want her doing something. She says "Deja!" to me whichs means "Leave that alone."
She can sign milk, and more. I am sure as I keep up with the signing she will learn more of them a lot quicker than I expect.
She hates sleeping in a crib. Depises it, always has. She doesn't care for feeling confined so she tends to fall asleep on the floor. Any floor. No need for blankets or pillows, whereever she lays she sleeps. Silly girl.
She is friendly and affectionate. She gives kisses and hugs and rarely cries. Doesn't get finicky about food, eats everything and knows when she is full. And its takes A LOT for her to get full.
She claps and says "YAY!"
She can drink from a straw.
She has her one year check up next Wednesday. I will update on her weight and height, and of course anything her doctor has to say.
Too smart, too cute, and very much loved no matter what.
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