Thursday, August 21, 2008

My curly, dimpled lunatic

I was once told by an English teacher that "A child is a curly dimpled lunatic" and that I was such a child. He was quoting a line from Ralph Waldo Emerson's Nature.

"The child with his sweet pranks, the fool of his senses, commanded by every sight and sound, without any power to compare and rank his sensations, abandoned to a whistle or a painted chip, to a lead dragoon or a gingerbread-dog, individualizing everything, generalizing nothing, delighted with every new thing, lies down at night overpowered by the fatigue which this day of continual pretty madness has incurred. But Nature has answered her purpose with the curly, dimpled lunatic."

I always thought it was a fitting description of who I was as a youth.

Leah fits the bill more than I ever did.

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