The local kindergarten has a list of things kids age 4 should be doing or be able to do by the time they enter kindergarten.
* can place objects in a line from largest to smallest
* can recognize some letters if taught, and may be able to print own name
* recognizes familiar words in simple books or signs (STOP sign)
* understands the concepts of "tallest, biggest, same, more, on, in, under, and above"
* counts 1-7 objects out loud - but not always in the right order
* understands the order of daily routines (breakfast before lunch, lunch before dinner, dinner before bed time)
* speaks in fairly complex sentences. "The baby ate the cookie before I could put it on the table."
* asks a lot of questions, including ones on birth and death
* enjoys singing simple songs, rhymes, and nonsense words
* adapts language to listener's level of understanding. To baby sister: "Daddy go bye-bye." To Mother: "Daddy went to the store to buy food."
* learns name, address, and phone number, if taught
* asks and answers who, what, when, why, and where questions
* continues one activity for 10-15 minutes
* names 6-8 colors and 3 shapes
* follows 2 unrelated directions (put your milk on the table and get your coat on)
* has basic understanding of concepts related to number, size, weight, colors, textures, distance, position, and time
* understands immediate passage of time as in what happened yesterday, but does not understand calendar time
* has long attention span and finishes activities
* understands and remembers own accomplishments
* may ad "ed" to words. "I goed to the door and put-ed the cat outdoors. He hurt-ed me."
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