Saturday, March 10, 2012

First Dance Competition--Bravo!

Today Leah competed in her first ever dance competition. She's on a team of 7 & 8 year olds. They danced 4 routines together and one large company routine. Their dances include lyrical, jazz, hip-hop and tap. Leah has worked hard this year and has been dedicated to attending her dance classes, practicing her routines and staying on top of her school work as well. She danced very well and the team won Golds/high gold for their dances.

Our day began earlier than usual. Leah woke up on her own, showered and then woke me up to help get her ready. I made sure to organize, label and double AND triple check all of her supplies the night before. I did the same two more times in the morning.

Except for two mishaps (both my doing) everything worked out well. I braided Leah's hair the wrong way so I had to fix it when we got to the school. We also had an issue with a wig she wears for her tap number. Even though we had it held down with a dozen bobby pins AND she danced, jumped and ran for 15 minutes before her dance, it still fell off her while dancing. We will make sure this does not happen again at the next competition. I missed the number because I ran to grab some coffee and it took longer than expected. Fortunately a parent recorded it so I was able to see it. She danced beautifully even with the wig coming off her head.

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