Wednesday, August 29, 2012

O Canada - Day Two - Darien Lake Fun!

 Day Two:
- Darien Lake Amusement Park

We woke up, dressed and had some breakfast at the hotel and then headed out to Darien Lake Theme Park. It was about an hour drive from the hotel. We drove through a lot of farm land which the kids really enjoyed. Leah was looking forward to the rides, especially the water ones. We met up with a friend and her family who were visiting from Canada for a bit. Leah thought it was neat that we were able to meet up at the theme park.

While I spent time with the boys at the sprinkler/splashpad area Leah went off with Matt to ride the water slides. We had some lunch and then they went off to ride some more. Afterward we were done with the water we changed and went off to check out the dry rides.

Leah went on a few roller coasters, most of them were fun and she enjoyed. One though? Went backwards and was her first roller coaster ride with loops. It scared her, a lot. I do not foresee Leah going on another one of those rides for some time.

We spent the rest of the day and evening riding rides and walking around the park. Leah enjoyed 'driving' her own antique car.

 The kids got a kick out of the Moose is on the Loose ride.

We ended up staying till near closing. It was a really nice day for a visit and we had a great time. The kids nodded off on the ride home.

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